Blog Post
Does a Home’s Value Go Up With a Bathroom Renovation? Deciding what home improvement projects to invest in can be tricky. You don’t want to pour money into a renovation or remodel that won’t pay off when you go to sell. If you’re eager to increase your home’s value, consider starting in a small, but...
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As an employer, attracting and retaining talent is challenging as you work to drive your business forward. The workforce continues to be compressed, which only intensifies the need to stand out amongst other employers in your industry. This might include additional PTO, assistance programs, health...
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Teach your kids about saving money Money management is a complicated subject even adults have trouble mastering. So, it’s understandable that the prospect of teaching your kids about money might not be your favorite parental to-do. Start simply with a simple savings account to teach your kids the...
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Complete the Feeling of Fellowship Have you found yourself with some extra free time? This is a fantastic opportunity to try something new, learn a skill or to make the world a better place for everyone, not just yourself. Here are a few ways you can give back to your community. Donate Your Time...
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Recruiting and retaining top talent can be challenging. Providing a structured retirement plan is important, but a plan without education tends to not meet the needs of your employees, while one that does include education helps instill financial confidence in their future. A recent study* shows...
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Commercial construction costs hinge on two primary categories: materials and skilled labor. Therefore, when both are in short supply and more expensive, already small profit margins contract even further. To counteract rising costs, many CRE firms simply raise their prices—which could further...
Blog Post
Protect your most important valuables We all have things that we want to keep safe. While we all hope that our homes are an ideal place for that, sometimes it’s a good idea to keep important items in another location. That’s where safe deposit boxes come in handy. What Are Safe Deposit Boxes? We...
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Money Saving Tips to Fund Your Higher Education If you’re considering going back to college to boost your credentials, you’re probably on the lookout for money-saving strategies. Here are dollar-stretching tips to keep you at the top of your class. Fill Out FAFSA If you’re looking to continue your...
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Credential stuffing is an attempt by malicious attackers to use credentials that were previously exposed from another account platform against an online banking environment. The frequency of this type attack is growing exponentially, and they’re becoming more and more sophisticated over time. With...
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The farm labor shortage, soaring fertilizer prices, and increasing inflation can easily put a damper on what otherwise should be a favorable time for agriculture. While the effects of these price fluctuations can be mitigated, doing so requires careful planning and preparation. The farming industry...
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There’s never been a more challenging time for food inventory management than the period we’re in now. With an increased focus on health and traceability, customers now want to know your supplier and your supplier’s supplier. As inflation, supply chain issues, and labor shortages continue to drive...
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Building information modeling (BIM) has surged in the past several years and its benefits are one of the few things everyone involved in the CRE industry can come together on. It has become clear that, while keeping the potential risks in mind, the benefits of BIM for any CRE business are impossible...