Blog Post
When operating a successful business, understanding what impacts cash flow within your organization is key. Below are several areas to help monitor your cash flow, and provide guidance on how to fix issues over time. By considering the following, you will be able to respond to changes in a timely...
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As the global economy enters a post-Covid age, rising inflation rates have QSR franchisees on edge. As unpredictable labor shortages and supply chain bottlenecks abound, QSR franchisees need to rely on the wisdom of their most trusted financial partners to weather the storm. Find out what realistic...
Blog Post
Unfortunately, it’s no longer a matter of “if,” but rather “when” payments fraud will impact your business. As you look at your payment strategy, does it minimize your risk to fraud? Like many businesses, your strategy may be highly focused on check payments, the most compromised payment type. Sixty...
Blog Post
The choice to return jobs to the U.S. makes sense for certain industries, but not for others. In some cases, businesses are reshoring only certain portions of their manufacturing. The pros and cons that must be taken into consideration are immense. One of the most enticing options for owners and...
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Your business probably receives daily invoices for payments. Have you considered the steps, manpower and security of your payment method? Cutting a check can take upwards of ten steps and is very unsecure, while ACH and credit card are quicker and more secure. If the latter two are used less...
Blog Post
Skyrocketing inflation without a clear end in sight has businesses and consumers rethinking their financial strategies for 2022. Now is the time to not only secure your business prospects for the coming months but also to inflation-proof your operations for future spikes. With strategic changes and...
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A Culture for Success Built by four generations of cheesemakers, this family-owned cheese company is undoubtedly a master of its craft. Their award-winning cheese continues to draw even greater demand—and to help fill it, our financial solutions deliver on a special recipe of its own. “We feel very...
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The competition for talent across various industries means that employers need to set up benefits packages such as 401(k) plans to attract top talent. However, employers incur significant legal responsibility in setting up and running such retirement benefit plans. Employers become fiduciaries of...
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Commercial construction costs hinge on two primary categories: materials and skilled labor. Therefore, when both are in short supply and more expensive, already small profit margins contract even further. To counteract rising costs, many CRE firms simply raise their prices—which could further...
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As an employer, attracting and retaining talent is challenging as you work to drive your business forward. The workforce continues to be compressed, which only intensifies the need to stand out amongst other employers in your industry. This might include additional PTO, assistance programs, health...
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The farm labor shortage, soaring fertilizer prices, and increasing inflation can easily put a damper on what otherwise should be a favorable time for agriculture. While the effects of these price fluctuations can be mitigated, doing so requires careful planning and preparation. The farming industry...
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Recruiting and retaining top talent can be challenging. Providing a structured retirement plan is important, but a plan without education tends to not meet the needs of your employees, while one that does include education helps instill financial confidence in their future. A recent study* shows...